Advantages and Disadvantages of Clover Lawns
Clover might be right for your lawn, since it requires less water, fertilizer, compost, herbicide, and weeding.Today, the current grassy monoculture is the ideal of most homeowners. But as water and energy costs rise, many are seeking alternatives to the traditional thirsty, labour-intensive American lawn.But if you dont want a lawn with in your gardens you can use organic dandelion killer .It kills lawn weed sand grasses and hinders it is coming for up to five months. The best part is you will be satisfied to see those outcoming visible results within three hours. Defends the rainwater from washing away the effects. In other words, it turns out that even 15 minutes of watering the lawn can’t reduce the impact as well.
One of the most popular lawn alternatives is white clover (Trifolium repens), also known as Dutch clover or Dutch white clover. Although many people consider it a weed, a good patch of it was considered a standard of excellence in lawn care until the 1950s, when people started using broadleaf herbicides to kill clover and other more harmful weeds.In recent years, however, clover lawns have been experiencing a revival due to their many benefits and charms. There are two types: pure clover lawns, which are best for areas with low or moderate traffic, and mixed grass-clover lawns, which are best for playing fields and other high traffic areas.
It Stays Green All Summer, With Little or No Watering
In most regions of the US. It is relatively drought-tolerant, and it greens up early in spring and remains green until the first frost. In the South, it may stay green all winter.
It Requires Little or No Mowing
White clover grows just 2-8 inches tall and requires little or no mowing to keep it looking tidy. However, some homeowners may prefer to mow in midsummer to deadhead old blooms, neaten the appearance of the lawn, or prevent blooming.
It Attracts Beneficial Insects
(like bees) to your yard, which helps fertilize your garden. It also attracts parasitoid wasps, which feed on aphids, scales, and whiteflies. These wasps are tiny, harmless to humans, and will be your enthusiastic allies in controlling insect pests in your garden.
It Never Needs Fertilizer
The cover is a nitrogen-fixing legume, a plant that essentially creates its compost and fertilizes nearby plants, as well! Grass that is intermixed with clover will be healthier and greener and require less care than grass planted alone.
It Never Needs Herbicides
Most herbicides kill it.
It Out-Competes Other Weeds
Anyone who has struggled to eradicate clover from a grass lawn can tell you how persistent it can be. It has a dense root structure that allows it to easily out-compete most other weeds and reduce the need for weeding and expensive herbicides.
Clover Grows Well in Poor Soil
It tolerates a wide variety of soil conditions, including the poor-quality subsoil common around many new homes.
It Feels Great on Bare Feet
Soft, lush, and fresh, walking barefoot on a clover lawn is a luxurious treat. Those leaves and blossoms also have a mild, pleasant smell.
It Is Immune to “Dog Patches.”
Dog urine discolours lawn grasses, but it stays as green and lush as ever.
It’s Inexpensive
Clover seed is exceptionally cheap. The average cost is about $4 per 4000 square feet. Homeowners who have been fighting it as a weed get it for free if they decide to stop fighting and let it grow.
It stains clothing more efficiently than grass.It is not durable enough for playing fields or high traffic areas unless mixed with grass.It is a short-lived perennial and may require reseeding every 2-3 years to maintain an even stand in pure clover lawns. In mixed grass-clover lawns, clover will reseed itself adequately to maintain a consistent presence.